Welcome to Image Analysis and Data Processing in Super-Resolution Microscopy#
The workshop, “Image analysis and data processing in the super-resolution microscopy”, is a comprehensive program that covers the principles, methods, and practical applications of super-resolution microscopy. The workshop is taking place at the VMCF Microscopy Center in Praha 2, Czech Republic. The program features talks on topics such as super-resolution microscopy methods, image processing, and data management, as well as hands-on sessions using ThunderSTORM and Fiji/ImageJ software. The program includes guest lectures for both lectures and hands-on parts. The coffee break and refreshments are included, and there will also be an informal discussion at the Academic Club.
We try every year to organize a workshop that includes both open-source and proprietary software and approaches. We aim for accessibility for anyone in the world - so we stream as much content as possible.
From 2023 the workshop has support from Czech BioImaging research infrastructure and the CzechBIAS BioImage Analysis society.
- BioImage Analysis and Data Processing 2024
- Image Analysis and Data Processing (not only) in Super-Resolution Microscopy 2023
- Image Analysis and Data Processing in Super-Resolution Microscopy 2022
- Image Analysis and Data Processing in Super-Resolution Microscopy 2021
- Image Analysis and Data Processing in Super-Resolution Microscopy 2020